Monday, June 29, 2009

Pioneer Pics. . .FINALLY! :)

Can you see the EXCITEMENT in their eyes all dressed up and ready to leave? They were SO happy to pose for pics for mom all dressed up in their Pioneer clothes :)

Here they are on their last day about 1/2 mile from the end of the trek with all of their families waiting to meet them.
Miss Meghan and her trek "family" pulling their cart to the end.

Mr. Brady and his trek "family".

Brooke seeing her kids for the first time in several days. . .she survived!

My kids had fun and I know that it was one of those experiences that they will never forget!
Some highlights:
*Walking without shoes for a mile (OUCH!)
*Carrying someone on your back for as long as you could
*The Girls Pull (no help from the men up a steep hill)
*An "Angel" helping the women
*Hard Tack
*Singing and Dancing (Meg even got to dance with her brother, how LUCKY was that! LOL!)

Until next time. . .

Friday, June 26, 2009

Lovin' It!

I have the day off from school today and I am lovin' every minute of it! :) I can't believe how busy my school schedule is right now. I knew it would be crazy having classes from 9-5 but, I guess I just wasn't counting on having so much homework EVERY night.

I spend all day in classes and then I get home and have 5+ hours of homework that has to be completed for classes the following day. Crazy times!

It is good though, because then it makes me all the more grateful for days like today that I have just to veg-out and get caught up on the house.

Grades were posted for 1st Summer Block yesterday. . .I managed straight A's, a 4.0! I don't mean to brag, I just have to pat myself on the back for that one because of the craziness of trying to move and unpack and be in school for those classes. I seriously didn't know if I could pull off getting A's, so I was glad that I did.

My kids are continuing to LOVE being back south. They spend all day with friends and they just all seem like themselves again. It makes me happy to know that they are happy.

Kam finally went and took the CPT tests at the college and as I knew he would, he passed with flying colors and is on college level for all of his classes. He is such an intelligent kid! I just wish that he could see ALL of the potential that he possesses! We filled out his application and we are waiting for his acceptance letter so we can get him registered.

It is kind of strange that he and I will be attending the same school next year. Never in my life would I have thought that by the time I had a child old enough to attend college that I would still be actively pursuing my own degree. You just never know what life will bring!

Well, my washer is beeping, telling me it is time to start another load.

Until next time. . .

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Just Me :)

I had someone ask me the other day why I was so happy and smiley all the time. Well, first off, I must clarify. . .I do have my bad days. I don't think that anyone is 100% happy and giddy all the time. Sometimes life just gets to be too much and we all have our bad days. . .however, we can choose to make as many good days as we possibly can.

I don't know at what point it was in my life, but I just decided at some point that I could choose to be happy and deal with the life best I can or I could choose to be negative and miserable. I try hard to choose the path to be happy. . .besides, who wants to be around people who are negative and miserable all the time??? It certainly isn't fun. There is nothing worse than a person who blames the world and everyone else for their problems rather than just picking themselves up by their bootstraps and putting on a smile and facing the world!

Life is short! Make the best of what you are given!!!

Do what makes you happy.

Be with who makes you smile.

Laugh as much as you breathe.

Love as long as you live.

Until next time. . .

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Fathers Day!!!

Happy Fathers Day to the two men in my life who are the best fathers the world could ever hope for: My Dad and My Hubby!

Hope your day is GREAT!!!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I HAVE Survived. . .so far ;)

So far, so good! I am done with my classes from first Summer block, YAY! I still have my class that is the regular summer semester and next week I start classes for second summer block, but I STILL survived finals today for two of the 5!!!! Gotta love that!

I am sure that before I know it, I will be taking finals for the other three classes. Then I will enjoy a three week break before diving into Fall semester. Busy, busy, busy!

We still aren't completely unpacked and organized from the partial move. We have a TON of stuff in the garage that needs to be dealt with, and we still have some boxes in the bedrooms. It has been hard to try and get unpacked and settled with my crazy school schedule. Slowly and surely we are making it happen though. Perhaps by Christmas we will be unpacked? LOL!

I did treat myself to Bunko last night. I debated on going since I had finals this morning. . .but after studying for several hours yesterday afternoon, I decided that I needed a break.

It was great to see all my old Bunko girls. It has been a year since I have seen some of them. I was so happy when they had an opening and asked me to join back in with the group. I had a lot of fun.

Finals seemed to go well this morning. I am sure that grades will be posted next week sometime. I am hoping for a 4.0, but I will be happy even if I don't end up with straight A's. It was a TON of work to do and a lot of information to process in such a short time period. Kind of crazy, so glad it is over!

Well, I supposed I should go and unpack some of those boxes that are still hanging out in the bedrooms.

Until next time. . .

Monday, June 15, 2009

Summer Block. . .FINALS WEEK!

It hardly seems possible, but by the end of this week I will have survived the first stage of Summer semester. I will have 6 more credits behind me and I will be half way through 3 credits of the regular summer block and then on Monday I will start the final 6 credits of the last summer block.

I am going to be SO glad for this week to be done. This morning both my classes gave out the final study guide. . .HOLY-SHOCK-A-ROLL-EE! Dang, there is a lot to learn! Both of the classes are doing a comprehensive final. UGH! We have learned so much over the past 5 weeks that I am not sure I remember a heck of a lot. I guess I will be studying my little heart out until the actual tests on Thursday.

Bryan headed back up north today. Man, I wish that we could get the house up there sold. It is SO frustrating because right now the market is SO slow!!! It has been at least 3 weeks since we have even had a walk-thru! Our agent said it isn't just us. He said that no one is looking right now. BUMMER! If no one is looking, no one is buying. I think we need a miracle, but I do believe in miracles, so hopefully one will come our way and SOON!

I have pics from the Pioneer Trek that I will get posted soon. I have been studying so much today that I just haven't had time. Hopefully I can get them posted by this weekend.

Until next time. . .

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Another Week. . .

Another week of Summer semester is gone. YAY! I am surviving!!! I have finals next week for my classes that are on the first summer block (that hardly seems possible!) and then a week from Monday I start two more classes for the second Summer block. . .in between I have my regular Summer semester class! BUSY!

My two teens are sleeping in the wilderness tonight. I hope they are loving it! The pioneer trek is something that they will remember forever!

I was able to make some progress on the house tonight. I am still far from done with my unpacking, but I am getting closer. . .the garage is still full, but at least the house is getting to where you can move in it a bit.

Bryan will be here tomorrow night, so hopefully we will get some stuff accomplished this weekend while he is here for a couple of days.

Kam has stopped by a few times, it seems that he is enjoying his new found bachelorhood. He starts work tomorrow. I know he needs the $$$ so it is good that he will be earning some soon. It seems so strange that I have a child that has moved out on his own. . .crazy! I remember the day that I moved out and was on my own. I was so excited! It was a fun time in life.

I have had a TOTAL of 12 hours sleep in the past 3 nights. I am too old to average 4 hours of sleep a night! So, with that, I guess I am signing off for now :)

Until next time. . .

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Pioneer Trek 2Morrow!

Two of my teens are heading off to the wilderness for a Pioneer Trek tomorrow. It should be a mix of emotions for them while they are gone. It is going to be a fun, hard, hot, cold, happy, miserable, wonderful, one of a kind experience! I hope they get the most out of this experience the next three days. Better them than me! I don't think I could do it! :)

I am still getting used to my new blog. It is weird to see the new name and stuff up there, but so far so good. . .a new start is always a good thing :)

I have homework to do before bed and 5:30 AM comes around a little too early!

Until next time. . .

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

And So It Goes. . .

I recently found the need to delete my Life's Various Tidbits blog. It is a long story and better left alone I think. . .long story short, there were just some people that I would rather not have in my business and so rather than closing my blog, I decided just to delete the old one and start again. . .the reason not to just go private? I have TOO many people that I would have to send emails and such to and invite them to my blog. Some I don't have emails for, but I can post my new blog on my Facebook and they can find it that way. I would rather just leave it open and start fresh.

Fresh start! Fresh ideas? Maybe. . .maybe not, LOL!

Life is crazy busy with school and stuff. I wish that the house could unpack itself and put everything in its place. Since that is not the case, I guess that I will just have to learn patience. That is a hard one for me. I am always anxious to finish what I started. It is hard for me to know that I don't have the time to do what I need to and finish it, right now!

Well, enough for now. I have stuff that needs to be done. I just wanted to get this new bloggity blog up and running! :)

Until next time. . .