I wrote this for my dad in 2009 for his birthday. I thought that being that today is Father's Day, it was a great post to "recycle" :)

He (with the help of my mother) gave me life.
He changed my diaper.
He watched me learn.
He watched me grow.
He watched me succeed.
He watched me fail.
He spent countless hours worrying about me and probably many more hours being frustrated with me.
He made me ice cream shakes when I was sick, scrambled eggs with salsa when I was hungry, wiped my tears when I sad.
He tickled me until it made me cry.
He sang songs to me.
He was there when I graduated from high school.
He was there when I got married.
He was there to welcome each of my five children, his grandchildren, with open arms.
He is a role model.
He loves me for me.
He is my dad.
Happy Father's Day, Dad! May you have all the happiness you deserve and then some!
I love you!!! Thanks for always being there.