Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Where did the Summer go?

Just got my kids off to their first day of school.  Hardly seems possible that Summer is over.  Wow.  Only two weeks until I start back to school too.  Not sure if I am ready.  Life gets so insanely busy when school starts.  Sometimes it seems like there is hardly time to breathe. 

I can't believe that I have one child who has graduated, TWO in high school, and one in intermediate school this year.  Even harder to handle, my baby just started his LAST year at the elementary school today.  Man, I am feeling old. 

I will post first day of school pics later :)


  1. Even though I was wanting to be done being prego I still didn't want the summer to end. It went by way to fast.

  2. Is it my imagination or is the summer getting shorter? I'm retired and it seemed so short to even me.
    I remember those first-day-of-school days. They came and went so quickly.

  3. Thanks for stopping by Babblings of a Mommy. I'm following you back!

