This Boy. Oh this boy. I wish I could bottle up his laughter and sell it. When something makes him truly laugh, you can't help but laugh right along with him. His laughter is so contagious. Just thinking about his laugh makes my heart happy.
I took him to see Dinner with Schmucks today. I don't know what made me laugh more. . .the movie, or him laughing at the movie.
Reflecting. We have had a lot to reflect about lately. Reflecting on the past while still moving forward to the future is sometimes a good thing. It has helped me to realize that no matter how bad things seem, I can get through them. Little by little. Step by step. The future is as bright as I want to make it. No matter what is thrown my way, I can still choose to be happy.
Paint oh glorious paint! I love you! With just the swipe of a brush you can make old look new. You can change the feel of a room. You make my house a home. You make me happy. I know we just moved into our house, but I am ready to start adding a little pop of color here and there.
The Praxis. How could I not have posted this already??? Last month I had to take the Praxis test. What is the Praxis? It is a test that teachers have to take in order to be considered "highly qualified". It is part of No Child Left Behind. I took the test. Waited the four LONG weeks for my scores and found out I PASSED WITH FLYING COLORS! I am not thankful or happy about the Praxis, but I sure am happy I passed!
What is making YOU happy this week???
You can link up your own happy list here: